Photovoltaic industry highlights new advantages
 Dec 21, 2023|View:53


General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "We must put the promotion of new energy and clean energy in a more prominent position, and actively and orderly develop light energy, silicon energy, hydrogen energy, and renewable energy." In the past ten years, my country's photovoltaic industry has achieved leapfrog development, and the competitive advantages of the industrial chain have been highlighted: the output of major manufacturing links has accounted for more than 2/3 of the world, the number of newly installed capacity has ranked first in the world for 9 consecutive years, and the cumulative installed capacity has ranked first in the world for 7 consecutive years. Ranked first in the world…

Wang Shijiang, secretary-general of the China Photovoltaic Industry Association, said that in 2021, the output value of my country's photovoltaic manufacturing sector exceeded 750 billion yuan, with polysilicon and photovoltaic module output ranking first in the world for 11 and 15 consecutive years respectively; photovoltaic product exports exceeded 28 billion US dollars, a record All time high.

In the past ten years, the average cost of electricity per kilowatt-hour of photovoltaic power generation in my country has dropped by approximately 70%, which has strongly supported the entry of photovoltaic power generation into the affordable and subsidy-free stage, laying the foundation for subsequent large-scale, high-proportion, and market-oriented development.

The application market continues to expand. "Photovoltaic panels are laid on the roof of the farm, which can not only generate electricity, but also insulate and cool down." In May this year, the "Mud-Photovoltaic Complementary" project of Yiming Ecological Agriculture Company in Taishun County, Wenzhou, Zhejiang was put into operation, said Xiao Weiming, the person in charge of the company After doing the math, the photovoltaic power generation is first used for self-use, and the rest is connected to the grid. It can not only save 420,000 yuan in electricity bills every year, but also bring an additional power generation income of nearly 180,000 yuan.

In the past ten years, the development of distributed photovoltaics has been accelerated, and large-scale wind and solar bases have been rapidly promoted. As of the end of 2021, my country's photovoltaic power generation grid-connected installed capacity reached 306 million kilowatts.

"In the context of achieving dual carbon goals, scenarios such as 'photovoltaic + construction', 'photovoltaic + transportation' and 'photovoltaic + agriculture and rural areas' will be accelerated and promote more opportunities for the development of the photovoltaic industry." Wang Shijiang believes.

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